Health & Wellness
Franschhoek has a number of Health, Wellness, Massage Services and Medical Professionals for all your well-being needs. These Health and Wellness Services are an intergral part of the Franschhoek experience and lifestyle of the village, and in fact many are an attraction in themselves for visitors from far and wide, as well as for those who live in Franschhoek.
The Stationery Depot
Changing the way you view Stationery!
Even Health Shops and Wellness Services NEED Stationery!
Michelle is the Founder and Owner of The Stationery Depot (Pty) Ltd.
Her vision is to be a stationery company like no other.
For ALL your stationery requirements!
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For a new experience!
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The Secret Wellness
The Secret Wellness offers a holistic approach to wellbeing. We are specialized in Therapeutic Massage and Facial Rejuvenation combining natural ingredients with science. We believe that nutrition is key to vitality and retail superfoods.
The ultimate state to live in, is one of wellness, growth and enjoyment. We strive to offer a multi faceted approach to well being enabling our clients to achieve vibrant health, glowing skin, optimal nutrition and a passion for the blessing that is life.
La Terra de Luc Estate, Main Road, Franschhoek
+27 71 255 1740
Web Site
Franschhoek Health Club
With the combination of top range equipment, volume, variety of aerobic classes and professional trainers The Franschhoek Health Club has the fundamental basis on which this exclusive boutique gym can deliver.
We welcome you to meet our friendly team, who will take you on a tour and explain the packages on offer. Our sales consultants will advise the package best suited to your needs.
57 Cabriére Street, Franschhoek
+27 21 876 3233
Web Site

Buckwheat Bread Revolution Baking in Franschhoek
Intolerance to certain foods is growing at a phenomenal rate worldwide as manufactures of processed foods add more and more additives to enhance flavours and extend the shelf life of their products. Gone are the days when a loaf of bread was simply a loaf of bread...
Weekly Guest Listings
The below listings are guests on our site for a week and will feature no more than 7 weeks a year.
Franschhoek Pharmacy & Health Shop
Medical & Health
62 Huguenot Street, Franschhoek
021 876 2261
Pinz Nez Optometrists
5 Huguenot Square, Franschhoek
021 876 4415
Dr Alexander Heywood
Medical Doctor
18 Dirkie Uys Street, Franschhoek
021 876 2474
Dr Karin Eksteen
Medical Doctor
1 Kruger Street, Franschhoek
021 876 4622
Gary Scott
31 Van Wijk Street